Most people do not realize how enormous the market for cosmetology training is. In the United States alone, cosmetology and beauty schools generate upward of $2 billion every single year! Almost 15,000 people around the country work in helping to educate people about cosmetology. At the same time, some people wonder, “Is cosmetology a good career? How […]
The Science Behind The Career A career in the beauty industry can be exciting, but it also requires a lot of training. Dedicating yourself to the craft of helping clients look their best takes more than mere aesthetics. You will also need to master the technical aspects of cosmetology. This includes beauty school science. And yet […]
The economic upheaval of the COVID pandemic was the most recent reminder that having a safe career can provide stability in uncertain times. By mid-2021, more than 2.5 million food service workers lost their jobs. Many of those waiters and servers sought career alternatives by changing jobs. If you are looking to start a new career, […]
Why should you choose beauty school over other education options? It takes the average college student 20 years to pay off their student debt loans, according to Would you like to average $20-$30 dollars per hour? How about earning around $50,000 per year without losing $400-$600 every month to student loans? The beauty industry offers […]
The global beauty industry is predicted to become a $716 billion industry come 2025. The current products and services are consistently evolving to keep up with current trends. This makes the importance of beauty school stronger than ever. The many trainings available for each area of the beauty industry should be capitalized on to meet the demand […]
How much can you make in the beauty industry? That’s a great question. And, it’s one that a lot of friends and loved ones ask our students as they pursue beauty industry careers. While we’d like to say your salary will match your work ethic, the truth is certain jobs within the beauty industry are […]
If you have ever considered pursuing a career in the beauty industry but are unsure if there are enough job opportunities, then this article is for you. Now more than ever is a good time to start your career in beauty. With an annual growth rate of 4.75%, the global beauty industry is expected to […]